-Flow Reactors-

Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement

Flow Reactors

Contacts : Yuri BEDJANIAN

Laminar flow reactor – particle counter

• Double-walled glass tube (length = 100 cm and internal diameter = 10 cm)
• Temperature : 250 – 350 K
• Pressure : 760 Torr
• Ozone production : mercury lamp
• Ozone detection : UV absorption
• Associated means of detection: granulometer (SMPS), ozone monitor, TFRI

Current application : étude de la formation d’aérosols organiques secondaires (AOS) par ozonolyse de composés organiques volatils

Laminar Flow Reactor – Electronic Impact Mass Spectrometer

• Double-walled Quartz and Pyrex tube (length: 45 cm and internal diameter: 2.4 cm)
• Temperature : 220 – 1000 K
• Pressure : 0,2 – 10 Torr
• Production of radicals by microwave discharge
• Associated analytical means : HPLC

Applications : Study of the interactions of atmospheric oxidants with substrates characteristic of atmospheric aerosols (marine, mineral, soot); study of radical reactions of interest for combustion and the atmosphere.

Turbulent Flow Reactor – Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer

• Glass tube (length = 80 cm and internal diameter = 2.4 cm)
• Temperature : 220 – 320 K
• Pressure : 100 – 700 Torr
• Production of radicals by microwave discharge
• Chemical ionization: positive or negative mode

Current application : Studies of the mechanisms of radical gas-phase reactions in the temperature and pressure ranges of the troposphere and lower stratosphere.