
Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement

Pulsed photolysis cell – Laser induced fluorescence

Contact : Véronique DAËLE

UV-Visible absorption cell

Contact : Véronique DAËLE

Pulsed photolysis cell – LASER-induced fluorescence

• Double-walled Pyrex enclosure (volume : 200cm3) with four optical accesses for laser diagnostic applications
• Temperature : 220 – 400 K et pression : 15 – 760 Torr
• Production of radicals by photolysis (excimer laser)
• Associated means of detection: laser-induced fluorescence (combination of YAG and dye laser)

Current application: kinetic studies of elementary gas-phase reactions involving the OH radical

Contact : Véronique DAËLE

UV-visible absorption cell

• Double-walled Pyrex tube (length : 100 cm and inner diameter : 2,5 cm)
• Temperature : 220 – 400 K
• Pressure : 15 – 760 Torr
• Emission of radiation from a deuterium lamp
• Associated detection means: absorption spectrometer

Current application: Measures of effective cross-sections for atmospheric species uptake

Contact : Véronique DAËLE