Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement


Soufflerie à Mach Adaptable Raréfié HYpersonique
Hypersonic Adaptable Rarefied Mach Wind Tunnel

Contact : Viviana LAGO

Principal features

Super / Hypersonic rarefied wind tunnel with continuous operation
Experimental chamber: cylindrical L 5m x D 2,5m

Nozzle: contoured and tapered

Pumping unit with adjustable capacity : max 153000 m3/h
Statistical pressure, Pa : 7.10-2 < Pstg < 71
Stop pressure, Pa : 20 < P0 < 120.105
Stopping temperature, K : 300 < T0 < 1300
Mach number : 0,8 < Mach < 20
Reynolds number/cm : 26,3 < Re < 7522
Kundsen number/cm : 1,2.10-2 d< 0,11
Altitude simulation (Earth), Km : 20 < h < 136


Scope, cm < 10

Applications and research areas

Fundamental research on compressible rarefied flows
Aerodynamic and aerothermal behaviour of probes and spacecraft
Plasma flow control of rare super / hypersonic flows
Experimental database for the validation of simulation codes such as DSMC and BGK
Spacecraft thrust engine plume interaction with surfaces