-Detonation Tubes-

Institut de Combustion Aérothermique Réactivité et Environnement

Detonation Tubes

Contact : Nabiha CHAUMEIX

This highly instrumented facility has been designed for the determination of detonation parameters and the analysis of deflagration-detonation transition methods. The applications are industrial safety and the choice of chemical systems adapted to detonation wave propulsion.


* Stainless steel and Pyrex,
* L = 5,7 m, Internal diameter = 78,4 mm,
* Pmax = 5 MPa
* Tambient


* Pressure sensors,
* Viewing windows,
* Recording of detonation cells,
* Spectrometric diagnostics,
* Emission, Absorption,
* LASER extinction and diffusion,
* Hot gas injectors,
* Electro-s-Spray type injector.

Detonation Parameters